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Barefoot Run Through The House (Moms with Toddlers Beware!)

I love minimalism. The simplistic and neat look. The order and sophistication. I began a minimalism journey about a year ago. The reason? I was drowning in stuff. So much "stuff" that I no longer used. Now I have by no means reached the equivalence of Japanese minimalism, but I feel better with just less "stuff" in my life. I began a simple process of elimination - If I don't use it, it can be donated. My partner however does not share my minimalist fever. His approach is more the "but we could use it one day" approach. So we compromised. It gets hidden in a spare room so I never lay eyes upon it, which may just set off my anxiety.

Now my family is small, Sam is the only grandchild and so she gets a lot of stuff for birthdays and Christmas from grandparents and stepparents and step grandparents. I started with the 'culling' method of minimalism. The amount of gifts that come in, is the amount that should go out +1. And she helps with it now, after explaining carefully what it will achieve and that if the outgoing toy is in a good condition, it can be given to someone less fortunate. She seemed better about giving away after that. Her room looks much better. It isn't swimming in blocks and my little ponies. Now remember I mentioned a certain Jack Russell enjoys carrying items far and wide. Well, let me tell you, people joke about stepping on lego blocks, you have never experienced your foot trying to wrap its way around a my little pony.

My phone was ringing and so I took a brisk walk down the passageway only to have my full weight upon said accursed item. A few obligatory swear words later upon reaching said phone, it was my partner. On his day shift he would usually call during lunch. Of course, I was in no mood to speak with my foot that felt like it had stepped in a bear trap. Michal got the short end of that stick. Are they not supposed to know they shouldn't call after suffering such pain? I mean they must be psychic right. "Oh she stepped on Rainbow Dash, I'm hanging up now." But no, they ask that question that should go down in history as obtuse as "nice", "I'm fine" and "that's a nice running ford you have there" is of course "Are you ok?" Am I ok? No I bloody well am not ok, the dogs have run for the hills and the neighbour is nervously peering over the wall because I am hobbling around waving a rainbow coloured horse in the air shouting curse words.

So it is all about minimalism. The less stuff you have the less stuff there is to stand on. Of course, I will have to wait for my daughter to outgrow her rainbow coloured horse phase before I consider wild dashes through the house barefoot. What is it that tween parents step on exactly? 


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